发现Spa最新好去处,普吉岛斯攀瓦(Sri Panwa) Estate Cool Spa.让身心隐秘于安达曼海的热带雨林之中,俯瞰普吉群岛,沉醉非凡感受。座落海滨之畔, 湛蓝Cool Spa吸取了传统的经典中葡浴所灵感,为您在室内带来大海的视听体验。
Reflecting its ocean location, the tranquil Cool spa draws creative inspiration from tropical contemporary designs, bringing the sights and sounds of the sea indoors.
Cool Spa services offer a five sense experience within four extremely spacious treatment rooms, a private salon and a floating yoga deck – all of which enjoy panoramic ocean views. Enjoy complimentary use of our nature inspired facilities including the infinity pool that creates the illusion of being afloat between sea and sky. Bask in Cool Spa’s tranquility and serenity that embraces and envelops your entire being and embark on a journey of self-rediscovery.
Open daily from 10am – 8pm (Last booking 7pm) Advance reservation is recommended.
拨打普吉斯攀瓦(Sri panwa Phuket)热线电话
+66(0)76 371 000
Cool Spa 电子信箱 @ spa@sripanwa.com
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